The Curse Of The Pirate Chest

I did not want to build the I Can Do That project for the February2011 issue. My co-workers and I can attest that I grumbled about it for a while.
Three weeks had passed before I started, and then it was the last
possible minute. So that meant I was in our shop on a weekend, working
on a project I didnt want to make. It was like walking on the plank.
A sword was placed on my back. This was a scheduled photo shoot.

Was it so absurd to build this Pirate Chest! Perhaps I can
It’s a sign of the ever-expanding (and always scattered) abilities of a neighbor child.
About) A collection of all things pirate related and the pain of stepping onto
I love those tiny, sharp cutlasses with the pointed hats when I babysit.
Maybe I’m just tired of the Pirates of the Caribbean juggernaut
inescapable as theres a fourth one coming out in 2011 (not to mention
Johnny Depp is far more handsome than John Wilmont in The, according to The
Libertine than as Jack Sparrow).

And because of my antipathy and resulting frantic last-minute build, the project was cursed.

When I first picked up the stock for crosscutting, it was a very nasty splinter.
pieces for the front and back (I guess you could say I slivered me timbers?). Then, I knocked my block plane off the bench and chipped the
blade (I was able to avoid immediate grinding because I have a second knife, but it is not for me).
needed sharpening before I could put it to work). As I was clamping one
I used the top slats of the Workmate to bevel each slat edge.
Fingernail got stuck between the stock clamping top and the Workmates split clamping. This led to a
badly torn and bloody nail (so theres blood on this project, which I
suppose is appropriate). In my hurry to finish, I didn’t pay attention.
attention and sunk one of the masonry nails in the wrong direction,
which split out an end. The nail was loosened and I had to wait for it to come out.
Use glue to dry the repaired split. Finally, when painting the chest
(something I am usually very proficient at and neat about), I was able to manage
to get brown paint all over my shirt sleeves.

I am, in short, because of my
I was ill-tempered and took me longer to find the Pirate Chest.
complete than necessary, and I had no choice but to stay late and
miss the beginning of Sherlock on Masterpiece Theater (which means I lost 20 minutes of watching Benedict Cumberbatch, who I find far more
Attractive than Johnny Depp

But Christopher
Schwarz (the evil capn that forced me to build it) was right its a
It’s a cute idea. This is what I’m going to tell my neighbors parents.
They can get any article for free and build one to store them all
pirate toys. However, I refuse to help with the curse.

Now available in our bookstore: The Pirate Primer. No, it wont teach you how to build this pirate chest (the plans, like all our I Can Do That projects and the I Can Do That manual) are available free on our web site. However, the new book from our parent company contains threats, curses and oaths in pirate language (I’m certain I said at least some of them during the build), as well as other fun pirate stuff.

Product Recommendations

Here are some supplies and tools we find essential in our everyday work around the shop. Although we may be compensated for sales made through our links, these products have been carefully chosen for their utility and quality.